To promote increased focus, class participation, and a sense of academic belonging.
To define and clarify the attributes of high-quality work in order to plan projects that promote deep learning and understanding.
To support students in developing a sense of responsibility for their studies, their class, and ultimately themselves.
To give students feedback that they are more likely to accept and utilize for improvement.
To establish a structure to leverage student voice and choice and support students’ development of non-academic skills.
To enhance students’ learning through cooperative learning strategies.
To give students choice with regard to assignments and projects so that they have a voice in what they learn and how they demonstrate their learning.
To boost students’ confidence and investment in learning content deeply while building connection and trust with the teacher. Students also develop oracy and presentation skills.
To obtain the highest benefit from group projects and cooperative learning to ensure that collaboration enhances learning.
To provide students with a sense of purpose and direction as they work together to complete learning objectives.