To expose students to professionals that make a difference and are directly related to their academic trajectory in high school.
To support students’ skill development beyond their regularly scheduled day.
To build structures in which AP teachers act as coaching mentors for students.
Prospective 9th & 10th grade AP students gain an understanding of the AP program experience by engaging with current AP students.
To encourage collaboration, mutual support, and accountability by creating small student working groups.
To support struggling students who may be considering dropping the AP course and encourage them to persist.
To build a resource that ensures each student is supported in a 1:1 relationship with an adult in the building.
To increase student comprehension and engagement with material by teaching them how to decide which kinds of annotation strategies to use.
To support students seeking college alternatives, trade options, and navigating varied legal status or financial constraints for post-secondary plans.
To develop students’ ability to manipulate/map information in many different ways for use in AP courses (and other courses) that have a lot of information.