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Increase Cultural Responsiveness in Science Classes I


To utilize a culturally responsive approach and lens for science instruction to increase rigor, investment and relevance.


Lessons will be informed by input directly from students, building a sense of belonging through familiar representations in the curriculum.

Action Steps

Conduct a survey and use the results to consider:

  • How can you help your students make connections to real life in their mathematics and science classroom?
  • What choices do students have in mathematics and science classrooms?

Solicit input from students on possible science activities to explore based on their interests.

Use discovery learning, centers and group work, and games.

Adapt some of the students’ language and interests to the lessons (e.g., music, sports, social media, community issues, social justice).


Tanase, M.F. (2022). Culturally Responsive Teaching in Urban Secondary Schools. Education and Urban Society, 54(4), 363-388. Retrieved March 2022 from https://doi.org/10.1177/00131245211026689

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