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Booking the Literary Analysis Essay (AP Lit)


To provide students an opportunity to practice choosing texts they’ll use/cite on the AP Lit Essay #3.


Students will have the skills necessary to choose suitable texts from which to pull experinece in writing one of three essays they will complete for the AP Lit. Exam.

Action Steps

  • Teacher: Familiarize students with the requirements of book selection for Essay #3 (Students should already know the writing rubric from practice essay writing throughout the year.)
  • Emphasize that the list provided on the exam is only a suggested list; their title does not have to appear on the list.
  • Lead students in a brainstorming activity to recall and list books they’ve read during high school.
  • Provide an organizational handout for students to choose and review two books to prepare ahead of the exam.
  • Conference with students during the process to discuss chosen books, fill in gaps, etc.
  • Student: Review past examples of the Essay #3 prompt page.
  • Brainstorm major pieces of literature read during high school (including but not limited to high school assigned books).
  • Complete the provided handout to choose two appropriate books for potential use on Essay #3.
  • Review critical elements of the two chosen books to refresh knowledge of author, characters, setting, themes, etc.



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