Reground Families in AP course


To reground families in the expectations and experiences of Advanced Placement courses. This allows teachers to justify reasons for additional support beyond what families may be used to and further previous attempts to establish the support system students depend upon to succeed.


Students will respond to difficulties in class by leaning on the supports they have in and out of school to build the bridge past barriers to success.

Action Steps

  • Collect evidence of perceived student difficulties from concrete examples: discussions, classwork, assessments, or artifacts from check-Ins.
  • When possible devise suggestions for how students’ families can support students at home (e.g. creating a quiet space for them to learn, providing encouragement or structure students can lean on while at home, suggesting students leverage additional supports in or outside of the school day that may help).
  • Leaning on an established relationship with the student’s family, make contact in the primary language spoken at the home and provide the evidence for conclusion that students need additional support and suggestions for aides families can provide their AP student.



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