Challenge Problems for Students


To engage students in enrichment activities that build a sense of belonging through mutual contributions from teacher and students.


Through faculty support, all students develop their skills and the mindsets to challenge themselves via self-directed enrichment activities.

Action Steps

Create an initial database of challenge questions. Aim to create about 15-20 challenge questions to start with plans for generating more as students complete the initial set.

Create criteria for how you would like students to submit their own challenge questions. Some students may find themselves more engaged by the challenge of creating a question!

Place up 5 questions in the designated area in the classroom to start.

Introduce the challenge questions to your students! Let your students know why the questions are there, how they can get them, when they can get them, and how they should work on them.

Continue the routine by adding new challenge questions every week – once you find a routine that works for you and your class, make sure to continue the idea by rotating new challenges every week generated by students and teachers to keep the challenge fresh.


Student Agency Improvement Community. (2016) Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching

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