What does the evidence say about how schools can improve the adolescent literacy crisis happening in our country? In this webinar, we explore the Institute of Education Sciences Reading Intervention Guide for Grades 4 through 9, found here, and diving into two of the...
Sue Lusi will step down as President and CEO of Mass Insight in June 2024
Leaders of Mass Insight announced today that Susan F. Lusi, Ph.D. will step down as President and CEO in June 2024. Read the full press release.
A Message from Susan F. Lusi, Ph.D., President and CEO
I am writing to share with the Mass Insight community my decision to step down as President and CEO at the end of this school year.
In June of 2024, I will have served in this role for eight years, an opportunity that has been my great honor and privilege. Mass Insight makes a tremendous impact here in Massachusetts and across the country because we have assembled a remarkable team of incredibly talented professionals who bring immense passion and expertise to school and district transformation.
I want to thank every member of our dedicated staff, as well as our partners, clients, and funders, and countless educators, parents, and students who are the lifeblood of Mass Insight. I am so proud of all that we have accomplished together, and I have no doubt Mass Insight will continue to make a tremendous impact in K-12 education in the years ahead.
A Message from Gary Evee, Board Chair
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I extend my heartfelt thanks and congratulations to Sue Lusi for her tremendous service as President and CEO of Mass Insight.
We are so fortunate to have Sue at the helm of this great organization through the end of this school year. We are deeply grateful for her steadfast leadership and unwavering commitment to excellence and equity in public education. During her tenure, Sue has built an outstanding team, adapted the organization through the challenges of the pandemic, accelerated our work here in Massachusetts and across the country, and made diversity, equity, and inclusion a central focus in all that we do. Some of her many accomplishments are included in our press release.
The Board will launch a national search for our next President and CEO, beginning with the selection of an executive search firm. We look forward to hiring a dynamic leader with the experience and passion to help Mass Insight continue to grow and thrive.
Over the past 25-plus years, Mass Insight has earned a distinguished reputation for having the knowledge and skill to help transform schools and districts, particularly to promote equity and opportunity for all students. We are well positioned to build on that momentum, with the help of our exceptional partners, funders, and clients, who believe deeply in Mass Insight’s mission and are committed to investing in our work in the years ahead.
Thank you for your continued support.
Click here to read the full press release.

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