To expose students to professionals that make a difference and are directly related to their academic trajectory in high school.
To support students in developing a sense of responsibility for their studies, their class, and ultimately themselves.
To allow 9th and 10th grade students to gain insight into the daily structure and expectations of an AP class.
Prospective 9th & 10th grade AP students gain an understanding of the AP program experience by engaging with current AP students.
To allow students to talk about about themselves using AP resources/materials/guidance for particular parts of students’ stories.
To show that teachers value students’ identities and lives through curriculum.
To consider small ways to help historically underserved students feel welcome and comfortable and to build authentic relationships
To provide students the opportunity to build community with their peers, find commonalities, and develop respect for differences through personal artifacts.
To assess the classroom curricula, content, and resources to ensure a representative approach.
To utilize a culturally responsive approach and lens for math instruction to increase rigor, investment and relevance