Implementation services that build stakeholder capacity and maintain focus on execution and performance management.

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Directly addressing your priorities and building capacity to successfully implement systems change.

Advanced Academics

Mass Insight offers Advanced Placement® STEM & English services to districts and high schools to drive a school culture of high expectations and dramatically increase participation and performance in Advanced Placement (AP) courses, particularly among underserved populations, to prepare students for college and career success in English, and in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

Instructional Coaching Systems & Practices Development

Mass Insight partners with schools and districts to design instructional coaching systems and work with staff to bring best coaching practices to life through training and custom performance management systems. Our tailored support integrates elements of improvement science and network improvement communities, and is based on the instructional rounds model. Coaching systems can be implemented at one school or multiple schools in a district to support greater alignment and focus on improving the instructional core.

Instructional Leadership Team and Professional Learning Community Structure & Practices Development

Mass Insight works with schools to develop the capacity of instructional leaders to implement and monitor school-wide instructional change. Instructional leadership teams (ILTs) play a critical role in implementing a school improvement plan, as well as building consistent and aligned support for rigorous instructional practices. Similarly, professional learning communities (PLCs) support teacher collaboration in designing, implementing, and responding to data to ensure student learning. We partner with school leaders to design consistent and aligned ILT and PLC structures focused on student learning, and provide tools, training, and support to ensure consistent leadership practices.

AP Success Plan Implementation

Following the development of an AP Success Plan, Mass Insight facilitates biweekly coaching sessions to progress monitor plan implementation and provide thought partnership in support of achieving the AP Success Plan’s goals and outcomes. Coaching sessions will additionally celebrate accomplishments toward the plan’s goals, troubleshoot challenges, and identify additional strategies and action steps.

Leadership Development and Strategy Support for Principal Supervisors

Mass Insight works with districts to build the capacity of principal supervisors to coach principals on the leadership skills, knowledge, and systems necessary to improve schools by focusing on the instructional core. We support principal supervisors in strengthening management structures to ensure they have the necessary time and authority to develop principals, as well as navigate district conditions in support of addressing school and student needs.

Transformation Zone Support

Mass Insight helps districts design, develop, and implement transformation zones, an innovative model that gives schools the more responsive they need to address the causes of gaps and low performance. Once the zone has been designed and a plan for implementation is in place, we support ongoing zone capacity-building, strategy implementation, and performance management. We support zone office and zone school leaders with operationalizing new strategies and conditions through leadership coaching and skill-building, developing collective responsibility for zone success, and regular progress monitoring and improvement cycles to ensure zone progress towards measurable outcomes.

District-wide or Multi-school Instructional Coaching System Development

Mass Insight works with districts to build the capacity of principal supervisors to coach principals on the leadership skills, knowledge, and systems necessary to improve schools by focusing on the instructional core. We support principal supervisors in strengthening management structures to ensure they have the necessary time and authority to develop principals, as well as navigate district conditions in support of addressing school and student needs.

Theory of Action and Framework Development and Implementation

Mass Insight supports SEAs in the design and implementation of theories of action and frameworks to support statewide organization and coherence of school and district improvement efforts. Our process creates a shared vision and language for success (theory of action), and through an inclusive process, defines the specific effective practices, conditions, and/or criteria for success. Resulting frameworks equip districts and schools with the conditions they need to address root causes, as well as build leadership capacity and collective responsibility for improvement.

Professional Development

As part of systems development support, Mass Insight facilitates professional development for school and/or district leaders and staff in furthering school priorities focused on equitably improving the instructional core and the student learning experience. We leverage adult learning principles to ensure professional learning experiences are applicable, engaging, collaborative, and relevant to their practice.

Executive Leadership Coaching

Mass Insight partners with district cabinet or department leaders to provide strategic leadership coaching. Our executive leadership coaching includes: vision setting and planning support about district or department operational or cultural direction; facilitated short- and long-term department priorities, metrics, and strategies; design and research support; and ongoing implementation and management thought partnership.

Targeted Intervention: Chronic Absenteeism

Mass Insight partners with schools and districts to understand the chronically absent student experience, create and test evidence-based strategies for re-engaging chronically absent students, and codify and progress monitor strategies to address absenteeism. Partners receive an instantly usable Re-Engagement Guidebook tailored to their unique context to help with implementation and monitoring.

Partner Spotlights

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