Planning services that build from strengths to address partner challenges and establish strategic direction.

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Mass Insight facilitates inclusive planning processes designed specifically for local context and needs. We support a process that engages stakeholders, uses data to identify priorities, and develops strategies to improve performance.

School Improvement Planning

Mass Insight helps schools develop actionable plans and strategies that build from strengths to address root causes of gaps and low performance, in alignment with state, district, and/or school goals. Our process includes a needs assessment/diagnostic review, root cause analysis, strategy and goal setting, and action planning. We engage representative school stakeholders to ensure the plan recognizes school and student needs, focuses on a few key priorities, reflects the capacity of staff to implement, and includes thought partnership and design of capacity for high-quality implementation. For more information about our approach to planning, see our Road Map to Developing a School Improvement Plan. 

School Redesign Planning

Mass Insight supports schools to reimagine the student, family, and staff experience with stakeholder voices at the center.  In a redesign planning process, we support leaders to: understand their current reality; explore innovative school models and brainstorm about what would work best for their school community; develop a prototype vision and revise the model based on community feedback; and develop an action plan to launch and manage change for the new school design.

AP Success Planning

Using current AP® data or the results of Mass Insight’s AP Equity Self-Assessment, our team partners with schools to develop an AP Success Plan to drive conditions changes to increase equitable student access, opportunity, and outcomes in AP courses. We facilitate a process that begins with a reflective, data-informed work session and examination of AP program strengths and growth opportunities. We then work with a team to define the desired future state of the AP program by establishing a clear vision and priorities, resulting in an AP Success Plan consisting of an action plan with measurable goals, action steps, owners, and timelines for implementation.

District Strategic Planning and Department Planning

Mass Insight helps districts develop actionable plans and strategies that build from strengths to address root causes of gaps and low performance. Our process includes a needs assessment/diagnostic review, root cause analysis, strategy and goal setting, and action planning. We engage representative district stakeholders to ensure the plan recognizes school and student needs, focuses on a few key priorities, and reflects the capacity of staff to implement. We prepare professional, comprehensive plans and support communication and dissemination with internal and external audiences to build investment in the plan.

Transformation Zone Development

Mass Insight helps districts design, develop, and implement transformation zones, an innovative model that gives schools the more responsive conditions they need to address the causes of gaps and low performance. Mass Insight facilitates a zone design process to help districts establish the purpose and governance model, as well as determine participating schools for the zone. Then, we facilitate zone planning to prepare for launching the new zone, including new strategies for innovation and improvement, conditions and policies needed to bring strategies to life, and zone governance and support systems, structures, and staff. At every stage, our zone design and planning prioritizes district and school community inclusion, engagement, and investment.

State Education Agency Planning and Department Planning

Mass Insight helps SEAs develop actionable plans and strategies that build from strengths to address root causes of gaps and low performance. Our process includes a needs assessment/diagnostic review, root cause analysis, strategy and goal setting, and action planning. We engage representative stakeholders to ensure the plan recognizes district, school and student needs, focuses on a few key priorities, and reflects the capacity of staff to implement. We prepare professional, comprehensive plans and support communication and dissemination with internal and external audiences to build investment in the plan.

Hiring, Transition, and Onboarding Planning

Mass Insight supports districts to strategically plan for and support key leadership transitions. We are experienced in supporting districts in creating new cabinet/executive level positions, including researching similar roles and responsibilities in other districts, and designing job descriptions, hiring rubrics, and interview materials and protocols. We are also experienced in developing onboarding plans for executive leadership positions—whether new positions or just new leaders—as well as supporting outgoing leaders and their incoming replacements through a thoughtful process that encompasses the technical and adaptive sides of transitions.

Partner Spotlights

Are you ready to create more student success in your school or district?

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