Course Descriptions

Week #1, August 4 – August 8, 2025 (Schedule Subject to Change)

Introduction to AP Biology

This summer course will provide a snapshot of topics outlined in the AP Biology Course and Exam Description. This course will provide students with a soft introduction to the scope and breadth of the course. Topics relating to cell structure and function, genetics, cell communication, central dogma, and natural selection will be highlighted. Students will be engaged through interactive instructional practices focusing on some of the most common misconceptions and challenging concepts of the course. This course will encourage student collaboration, discussion, and application of content. Science practices will be threaded throughout the course to provide students with an introduction to skills necessary for success in the course and on the AP Exam.

Introduction to AP Calculus

Students will begin the session with a review of the trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, inverse, and inverse trigonometric functions which are spread throughout the AP Calculus curriculum. On each day of the session, students will take some time to explore the various capabilities of the TI graphing calculators. Near the end of the session, students will learn about Limits and Continuity taken directly from the first unit of the AP Calculus curriculum.

Introduction to AP Chemistry

The online AP Chemistry Bridge Program is designed for high school students seeking additional skills to prepare them to enroll in AP Chemistry in the fall. The course will cover periodic trends, stoichiometry and gas laws (contents covered in units 1, 3 and 4). Students will be able to practice problems using the above concepts to assess their understanding of the content covered in class.

Introduction to AP Computer Science A (AM ONLY)

In this course, we will be using a scenario to introduce and connect the basic concepts of Object-Oriented programming that are covered in Units 1 – 5 of the AP course. These units include: Unit 1 – Primitive Datatypes, Unit 2 – Using Objects, Unit 3 – Boolean Expressions and If Statements, Unit 4 – Iteration, and Unit 5 – Writing Classes.

Introduction to AP Computer Science Principles (AM ONLY)

The AP CS Principles Bridge Course will allow students from a wide variety of programming backgrounds and experiences to prepare themselves for the AP CS Principles course. Whether you have never programmed before or have experience writing your own programs, this course will help you practice programming while learning about the big ideas of AP CS Principles. Using various online platforms including and hands on you will practice reading and writing code in a block-based language that is similar to the one tested on the exam.

Introduction to AP Environmental Science

This course is designed to prepare students for a year in AP Environmental Science (APES). It will teach students important skills that will help them succeed in class. It will also give students a glimpse into some of the exciting content that will be covered in a full year course. Most schools have prerequisites of Biology and Chemistry for this course, so we will spend some time reviewing important concepts from these classes. This will include strengthening APES specific math skills like scientific notation, metric conversions, dimensional analysis, and percent change. I will show students some examples of APES content related to the math skills from the ecosystems, populations and energy units.  The APES course is lab intensive, so we will also discuss some lab specific skills that will help students become better prepared for these assignments. I will review how to identify variables and students will set up, collect and analyze data from a hands-on laboratory investigation. Taking this course will set up students for success next year and give them a sneak peek into the content covered. Join me for a week of exciting APES content and find out what this course is all about!

Introduction to AP Statistics

The objective of these statistical summer sessions is to familiarize students with key concepts of organizing, viewing, and describing univariate data. Through data collected from both the students themselves and the world at large, these budding statisticians will experience the nuance and understanding that the course requires, especially as the year goes on. We will take a look at some applied problems and mix in some real AP questions so that students get a taste of what is to come. Graphing calculators will be used throughout the sessions and topics will include displaying and describing categorical data, displaying and describing quantitative data, standard deviation, and the normal model.

AP Study Skills for All

In this course, we will explore strategies to help us confidently engage with the challenging work that an AP experience provides, focusing on study skills, time management, habit building, and organizational skills. Designed to support anyone entering an AP course, this course will allow us to begin forming sound work habits and learn to not only set attainable goals but also effectively communicate our needs. By the end of the week, we will have a toolbox of resources to help us succeed in the upcoming academic year.

Week #2, August 11 – 15, 2025 (Schedule Subject to Change)

Introduction to AP Literature & Composition

During this week-long course, students will work on honing and strengthening their analytical reading and writing skills. Each day, students will work on strengthening and building their ability to write fluently and persuasively and explore short fiction, poetry or topics of interest to them. Daily sessions will also increase students’ familiarity with the content of the AP English Literature exam by introducing the three types of essays (poetry, prose fiction argument, and literary argument ) to better prepare students for their coursework in the fall. At the end of the week, students will have built a solid foundation to better prepare for their AP English Literature and Composition course in the fall.

Introduction to AP Language & Composition

During this week-long course, students will work on honing and strengthening their analytical reading and writing skills. Each day, students will work on strengthening and building their ability to write fluently and persuasively and explore current events or topics of interest to them. Daily sessions will also increase students’ familiarity with the content of the AP English Language exam by introducing the three types of essays (synthesis, rhetorical analysis, and argument) to better prepare students for their coursework in the fall. At the end of the week, students will have built a solid foundation to better prepare for their AP English Language and Composition course in the fall.

Introduction to AP Physics 1

Let’s get ready for Physics! In this course, we will explore the basics of motion through hands-on activities and collaborative learning experiences. This course will focus on learning to think like a Physicist, developing lab skills, collaborating with others, and applying mathematics to science.

Introduction to AP Pre-Calculus

Students will review relevant Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2 concepts that will serve as foundation skills for understanding material in the AP PreCalculus curriculum. The topics will include Linear Functions, Quadratic Functions, Polynomial Functions, Exponential Functions and Right Triangle Trigonometry. Throughout the week, students will use technology to explore graphical representations. Each day, opportunities will be provided for students to practice skills and ask questions. 

AP Science Study Skills

AP Science Study Skills is a 5-day online review class covering the major skills necessary to be successful in AP science. Any students enrolling in AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Physics or AP Environmental Science will benefit from this course. The topics which will be covered include scientific method, claim evidence and reasoning, statistics, graphs and data analysis, mathematics integration, and understanding visuals and models. During this workshop, students will work in small groups, complete hands-on activities and practice with the material leaving them feeling confident and prepared with the skills needed to be successful.